Iraq, February 2014. 10 year old Mohammed is receiving a polio vaccine in the Domiz refugee camp in Northern Iraq.
Mohammed Athman is 10 days old. We met him at the health centre. His grandmother had brought him there and agreed for us to photograph and film him receiving a polio vaccination.
An MSF doctor referred Mohammeds mother, Gihan, to Dohuk for a caesarian section and an ambulance took her there with her mother. However, Mohammeds father was working in Erbil and so didnt make it in time for the birth. His company allowed him to have the last 10 days off work and he has spent that time in the camp. However, he had returned to Erbil for work on the day that we met Gihan & Mohammed and wouldnt be back for a month. Gihan said I will miss him very much. Gihan had just been to the clinic to have her stitches removed and was taking painkillers because the wound was still sore.
Mohammed is Gihans third son. She also has Yasim (5) and Yusef (2). The family arrived in Domiz 14 months ago. 8 months later Mohammeds grandmother joined them.
The family lived in Damascus and then moved to Quamishlo. However there were no jobs and nothing to eat there. There was no clean water supply. Gihan said; It was dreadful staying in Syria and especially frightening for women. There was kidnapping and abuse. We did not leave the children to go out by themselves. I raised the volume of the TV so that they cannot hear what was happening outside. The camp is better than Syria because there is no fighting.
It is hard to live here but we are in peace. We have no kerosene heater for my baby and I am worried. In the morning I feel his face is like ice. I am worried about him. Mohammed is very small, even for a 10 day old baby. He can return to the clinic for regular check-ups. Mohammeds grandmother is helping her daughter with her new baby. She says. I help all relations here in Kurdistan. It is my job.
Con el lema “Mientras tú los Cuidas, las Vacunas los Protegen”, la Delegación Regional en Veracruz Norte, participa activamente durante Tercera Semana Nacional de Salud, la cual se lleva a cabo del 7 al 13 de octubre de 2017.
Con el propósito de completar esquemas de vacunación se aplican refuerzos de la vacuna Sabin (contra la poliomielitis), en niños menores de ocho años, mencionó el doctor Vicente Espinosa Rico, jefe de Prestaciones Médicas en Veracruz Norte.
Se cuenta con vacunas triple viral, toxoide, BCG –contra la tuberculosis-, anti hepatitis, anti rotavirus, antineumocócica conjugada; además se inmunizará contra el virus del papiloma humano (VPH) en niñas que se encuentren cursando el quinto año de primaria y de 11años no inscritas en el sistema educativo.
Además se entregan sobres de Vida Suero Oral menores de cinco años; se aplicarán dosis de Vitamina A y de antiparasitarios; asimismo se dotará de ácido fólico a todas las mujeres entre 20 y 29 años de edad.
También se aplica la vacuna del tétanos neonatal a mujeres embarazadas y se ofrecerá información sobre la prevención de enfermedades diarreicas e infecciones respiratorias agudas, su manejo en el hogar y la detección de las señales de alarma.
En todas las Unidades de Medicina Familiar (UMF) de la Delegación Regional en Veracruz Norte, se brindará atención desde las ocho de la mañana y hasta las ocho de la noche; se instalaron puestos de vacunación en centros comerciales y se visitarán escuelas y guarderías.
El único requisito que debe cubrir, es presentar la cartilla nacional de vacunación y que los niños se encuentren sanos al momento de la vacunación, explicó por último el doctor Espinosa Rico.